Friday, January 30, 2015

Aero Peek Feature and Aero Shake Feature in Windows 7

Aero Peek Feature of Windows 7 Aero Peek is a new feature in Windows 7. If you have many windows open on your desktop, its quite easy to ... thumbnail 1 summary

Aero Peek Feature of Windows 7

Aero Peek is a new feature in Windows 7. If you have many windows open on your desktop, its quite easy to lose track of them.
Aero Peak lets you ‘peak’ behind all the windows so that you can have a look at your desktop, should you wish to access any gadgets or shortcuts. It does so by making all the open windows go transperant. To do so, you simply have to move your cursor to the extreme right part of your taskbar and hold it there. Or else click Win+Space.
If you press on that panel, all the open windows get minimized and your desktop is shown.
With Aero Peak, you can also choose to preview any particular open window, while hiding all the others.
To do so, move your cursor to the taskbar button whic you want to preview. A taskbar preview, ie a small windows will appear. Move your mouse ove this small taskbar preview.
You will see all the open windows, except this one, get hidden.

Aero Shake feature in Windows 7

Windows 7 introduces a lot of new features. We have already covered most of these here on One incredible NEW feature of the Windows 7  is called Aero Shake.

Aero Shake feature in Windows 7

If you shake any open window application fast, it minimizes all other windows, leaving this one open.
Shake the window again, and all the closed windows will open up again. This is Aero Shake.
While Win+M key will minimize all windows, this one is useful if you want to minimize all windows EXCEPT the one you are working on.
As a member of the Windows 7 Desktop Experience Team, Zou worked with his team and others for three years to develop, test and refine high-profile features such as the Start menu, and new Windows 7 features such as the taskbar and “the Aeros” – Aero Shake, Aero Snap, and Aero Peek.
You can also enhance the Aero Shake feaure. While Windows 7 Aero Shake minimizes other windows when you shake one,AquaShake a windows and it will remain always on the top. AquaGlass makes the windows transparent when you move it, thereby permitting you to see what is behind.

Go here if you need to disable Aero Shake using Group Policy and here to disable it using the Windows Registry.

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