Saturday, January 31, 2015

Reserve an Entire Taskbar Row for Taskbar Buttons in Windows

Taskbar  was first introduced with  Windows 95 . Since then, it has been found in every version of Windows OS. It is a small rectangular ba... thumbnail 1 summary
Taskbar was first introduced with Windows 95. Since then, it has been found in every version of Windows OS. It is a small rectangular bar located at the bottom of the screen. What are its functions? Well, the Taskbar allows a user to locate and launch programs through the Start button, check if any program is currently open or running, display the time or date, view items running in the background through the systray and do a lot more.
What’s best? You can set your taskbar the way you prefer. For instance, you can set one entire row at the top to be reserved for the Quick Launch Icons, and the bottom row for the Taskbar Buttons.
Reserve an Entire Taskbar Row for Taskbar Buttons in Windows

To do so, un-check Lock Taskbar option first by clicking in empty area of taskbar after a right-click.

Then, drag the Taskbar up, by the border, so that it doubles in size. The position your mouse cursor should be on the upper half of the dotted vertical Quick Lunch Border

The cursor will now change to the ‘resize arrow’. Now, click and hold down the mouse button to drag it to the area below the Quick Launch.

You may find this useful if you have a habit of keeping a lot of windows open and you need an entire row dedicated to the buttons. This works in Windows 7, Windows Vista, as well as Windows XP.

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